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MindStream Company utilizes extensive training from mindful schools, UMASS medical's MBSR eight-week stress reduction program, and Gina's personal experience of coping and thriving through a physically and mentally traumatic event. The course is taught with compassion and meant to inspire Resilience. It is based on good science and designed to help people learn a skill that can be life enhancing.

Put your brain/mind in a position of clarity, and explore the stress reduction meditation practice. Gina calls it "Mind-Fitness Training." For those who are willing to actively engage in a solid foundation for stress, anxiety and chronic pain management, we welcome your participation in a variety of programs and structured classes. You don't have to be in physical pain to benefit from this life skill.  All are welcome to learn how to be resilient with pride.

History of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

In 1979, the University of Massachusetts Stress Reduction Clinic introduced meditation into mainstream medicine. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is based on a form of meditation known as mindfulness. Mindfulness is a basic human quality, a way of learning to pay wise attention to whatever is happening in your life. It allows a greater sense of connection to your life, both inwardly and outwardly. Mindfulness is also a practice, a systematic method aimed at cultivating clarity, focus, and understanding. In the context of your health, mindfulness offers a way to hard-wire a life-enhancing skill and a way to take better care of yourself by exploring and understanding the interplay of what is happening from moment to moment. "The brain science is out and social proof is undeniable." - Gina Jackson


Nearly three decades of scientific research at medical centers around the world show that training in mindfulness practices can positively and profoundly reduce medical symptoms and psychological distress while helping us learn to live life more fully.

Sitting on a Bench
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What To Expect

The course schedule consists of weekly classes and one day-long class on a Saturday or Sunday. This highly participatory, practical course includes:


  • Guided instruction in several meditation practices (you will find your favorite)

  • Group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life

  • Gentle stretching and mindful movement

  • Individually tailored instruction and course material

  • Home practice material are included in the fee

  • This course is customized for either private, drop-in, 6-week or full 8-week MBSR/mindful schools/Mediation & Resilience skills are taught in this program.


This skill-based program is challenging and powerful. The instructor has formal training and thousands of hours of practice and direct experience to offer. You will feel supported in a straightforward, no-nonsense way. Gina understands that when you are in physical pain or emotional distress, you don't want to hear a novel; just the Cliff Notes will do. You can expect someone who is deeply passionate about sharing her extensive training and direct experience within the context a class environment.

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